
good training

(28th June 2011, Monday)

my cousin and i went to her parent's condominium where it was located near around the KLCC area. it was awesome. i felt like i'm being friend with anak dato' or rich people. haha. the pool was breath taking. why? because you can see on your left there is KLCC and on your front there is a elevated highway or AKLEH road. but that was not our purpose of going there. our mission was to get on shape. you get what i mean? yeah! THE GYM. at first i felt like sort of awkward. because so far, what i love to do is to go for outdoor activities rather than doing those burn calories under the roof with air-conditioned. i was thinking, is it going to work? i mean the gym was covered with an air-conditioner. not a sweat that came out off my skin. serious speaking. so, i pushed myself burned some calories without a single sweat. i did 10 km of cycling, 2km of hiking, 15 minutes of jogging and 7 laps of swimming. sound crazy right? but i didn't felt tired. i felt like to keep exercising. but, enough is enough. i don't want to end up in the hospital which cause of heart attack. exercise isn't about to loose some weight to be thin. but it is about to keep you cardiac system go strong. if you live your life with a cardiac problem, well as what all doctor may say, you will die earlier than your age now. haha. what a creepy. i do love doing outdoor activities. not just because i want to loose some weight or be thin. but that is what i adore to do or shal i say it is a passion.

(these pictures are originally taken from my cousin's blog.)

that's all. hehe. have a healthy life people. XD




AGE: *not stated*




1. last beverage = Blitz yogurt

2. last phone call = Boyfriend, Mohd Firdaus Halim

3. last text message = Boyfriend, Mohd Firdaus Halim

4. last song you listened = Marry Me by Train

5. last time you cried = couldn't remember


6. dated someone twice = no

7. been cheated on = yes

8. kissed someone & regretted = *not stated*

9. lost someone special = yes

10. been depressed = yes

11. been drunk and threw up = no


12. navy blue

13. black

14. dark green


15. Made a new friend = yes

16. Fallen in love = yes

17. Laughed until you cried = yes

18. Met someone who changed you = yes

19. Found out who your true friends were = no

20. Found out someone was talking about you = yes

21. Kissed anyone on your FB friend's list = are you nuts? no


22. How many people on your FB friends list do you know in real life = 90++

24. Do you have any pets = no

25. Do you want to change your name = no

26. What did you do for your last birthday = went to redang beach. auumm!

27. What time did you wake up today = 12.00 pm sharp (=_=")

28. What were you doing at midnight last night = on the phone with abang

29. Name something you CANNOT wait for = travel all around the world

30. Last time you saw your Mother= today

31. What is one thing you wish you could change about your life = too many to list

32. What are you listening to right now = Marry Me by Train

33. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom?= no

34. What's getting on your nerves right now = sleeping?

35. Most visited webpage = facebook and youtube

37. Nickname= tya, amira, mira, debab (you know who you are), kecik

38. Relationship Status = in a relationship

39. Zodiac sign = tauras

40. Male or Female = female

41. Elementary = skpj

42. High School = skpj

43. College = Port Dickson Polytechnic & UNIMAS

44. Hair colour = dusty red

45. Long or short = still consider as short

46. Height = *not stated*

47. Do you have a crush on someone? = yes

48. What do you like about yourself? = crazy

50. Tattoos = no

51. Righty or lefty= righty


52. First surgery= never

53. First piercing = when i was 9

54. First best friend: no one

55. First sport you joined = badminton

56. First vacation = al ain, UAE

58. First pair of trainers = umi & his hubby! <3


59. Eating = no

60. Drinking = no

61. I'm about to = eat

62. Listening to = still with Marry Me by Train

63. Waiting for = Mohd Firdaus Halim to meet him again. BONGOK!


64. Want kids? = yes

65. Get Married? = yes

66. Career? = over the top


67. Lips or eyes = both

68. Hugs or kisses= kisses

69. Shorter or taller = neither

70. Older or Younger = middle

71. Romantic or spontaneous = both

72. Nice stomach or nice arms = both

73. Sensitive or loud = middle

74. Hook-up or relationship = relationship

75. Trouble maker or hesitant = neither


76. Kissed a stranger = no

77. Drank hard liquor = no

78. Lost glasses/contacts = no. i'm a good caretaker

79. Sex on first date = no

80. Broke someone's heart = hell no

81. Had your own heart broken = yes

82. Been arrested = busted once

83. Turned someone down = yes

84. Cried when someone died = yes

85. Fallen for a friend = just a crush


86. Yourself = middle

87. Miracles = yes

88. Love at first sight = depends

89. Heaven = yes

90. Santa Claus = my grandpa?

91. Kiss on the first date = *not stated*

92. Angels = yes