


Yesterday. Hanis wanted to cook some dinner. So, I joined along. I helped her with the groceries. Along with my friend, Aisyah. I thought it would be fun for me to start cooking after 23 years of being not in the kitchen. Haha. I know. Me? Woman? Unable to cook? It wouldn't be nice, ey?

We went back home. She stuffed all the groceries. While I'm off back to my home. Get chilling before my own Masterchef show showing. Haha.

Later that night. I'm off to Hanis's house. She got ready with all the ingredient done at the kitchen.

Hanis decided to cook masak lemak cili api and sardin sambal. As for me. I handled the vegetable. Aisyah wasn't there. But she gave an idea with the vegetables. But I'm cooking it.

There goes our own Masterchef show...

Hanis's masterpiece

Mine masterpiece

Our masterpiece

Cooking is fun. Just put anything in it. As long as it taste something and delicious. And I'm cooking. Weeee!

That's all..
